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What is GMAT?
The full meaning of GMAT is Graduate Management Admission Test. It is a computer adaptive test (CAT) which assesses a person’s analytical, writing, quantitative, verbal, and reading skills in standard written English in preparation for being admitted into a graduate management program, such as an MBA. More than 5,900 programs offered by more than 2,100 universities and institutions use the GMAT test as part of the selection criteria for their programs site. Business schools use the test as a criterion for admission into a wide range of graduate management programs, including MBA, Master of Accountancy, and Master of Finance programs.

What is a Computer Adaptive Test?
The GMAT test is computer adaptive, meaning that instead of determining your score using a fixed set of questions, the exam provides you with questions of variable difficulty based on your answers to previous questions. GMAT test questions are not pre-set in advance. The GMAT begins with a question of average difficulty and if you answer it correctly, you will receive a slightly harder second question. If you answer it wrong, you will receive a slightly easier second question. Your third question, in turn, is based on your response to the second question, and so on. In this way, the GMAT test zeroes in on your ability level and assigns you a corresponding score. Because your real-time performance on the exam is essential to a final computation of your score, the way you take the GMAT test will differ greatly from your experience with other exams.

Who Administers The GMAT?
The GMAT test started in 1953 and administered by Graduate Management Admission Council with standardized test centers in 112 countries around the world. According to a survey conducted by Kaplan Test Prep, the GMAT is still the number one choice for MBA aspirants despite the increasing acceptability of GRE scores.

The GMAT test consists of four sections: Analytical Writing Assessment, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative and Verbal Section. Total testing time is three and a half hours, but test takers should plan for a total time of approximately four hours, with breaks. Test takers have 30 minutes for the Analytical Writing Assessment and another 30 minutes to work through 12 questions, which often have multiple parts on the Integrated Reasoning section and are given 75 minutes to work through 37 questions in the Quantitative section and another 75 minutes to get through 41 questions in the Verbal section

Who Takes It?
No official prerequisite. Intended for Bachelor’s degree holders and Undergraduate students who are about to graduate. Fluency in English assumed. The GMAT score is required for admissions into Graduate Management programs of top business schools.

When and Where Do People Take It?
The GMAT test is offered multiple times in a year, having up to 550 test centers in 110 countries. The GMAT may not be taken more than once every 31 days, even if the scores are canceled.

Who Accepts It?
The GMAT test score is accepted by thousands of graduate and business schools as well as departments and divisions within these schools in USA and other countries.

How Long Does It Take to Get My GMAT Scores?
Since the test is Computer Adaptive; test takers can get their scores almost immediately after completing the test at the test centres.

How Many Years Are the GMAT Scores Valid?
The GMAT test score is valid up to five (5) years from the date obtained before they expire.

What If I Have To Cancel My Test Date?
You can do this via the test appointment booking system. If you cancel at least 7 full days in advance of your appointment you will receive a partial refund of US$80. If you cancel less than 7 full days in advance of your appointment you will forfeit your entire registration fee.

How often Can I Take the Exam?
You can take the exam a maximum of five (5) times. You can also take it only once in a calendar month.

How Soon Do I Get my Score?
You will see your score for the quantitative and verbal section the moment you finish the exam but official scores (with scores for AWA) will take 21 days to reach you after taking the exam.

Which Score Will the College Consider?
Though Pearson reports the scores of all the GMAT® attempts, universities usually accept the best score.

What Happens If I Cancel the Exam?
After taking the exam you are given the choice of cancelling your score without seeing it. If you choose to do so the score is lost forever but it gets reported on all subsequent score charts that you had cancelled an exam.

Is Work Experience Necessary to Get Admission in Universities?
It is not necessary to have work experience to get admission in MBA colleges abroad. However, it is recommended to have at least two (2) years work experience to get into good MBA programs. However, very high GMAT® scores, combined with exceptional college record and extra -curricular achievements can compensate. In some universities, work experience is a must.

How Do I Pass on My Score To the College?
The universities only accept official scores sent directly by Pearson VUE. Scores to five colleges can be sent free of cost while taking the exam. Subsequently, for each score report sent to a college, you would have to pay $28.

GMAT Registration
Just like we say earlier, the GMAT test score is accepted by thousands of graduate and business schools as well as departments and divisions within these schools in USA and other countries. GMAT is required for the admissions to a large number of colleges and universities in various countries. You should register yourself for this exam if you wish to get admission in a graduate course in an institute or college which accepts the GMAT score. You are not required to take GMAT again for admission if you have obtained a high score in this exam in the last two years. At the time of registration, you should mention the codes and names of the colleges and universities of your choice so that your score can be reported directly to them.

How Much Does It Cost To Register and Coach for GMAT?
For registration and coaching fees kindly refer to our price list CONTACT US NOW

How to Register?

Registration forms are available in our office; therefore hurry up and register now.
You can also download a paper version CLICK HERE or complete an online version of the registration form CLICK HERE.
We can help you with the registration here at MEC. Prior to taking the GMAT test, you will be able to pick up to four (4) schools to receive your scores; each additional school you select will cause you to be subject to a processing fee of about $28.
You can also register with us online or by phone or by mail. The detail on GMAT registration at MEC can be obtained by calling 08060581501 or 08055730374
It is recommended that you register for the exam well in advance so that you get the seat. The seats at the key test centres are limited and are allotted on the first come first served basis. Most of the students plan to appear in the months of September to December. If you wish to appear for the exam during the same time and you wish to be allotted the date and centre of your choice, you should register well in advance.

GMAT Coaching/Preparation at MEC
After registering for GMAT, it is very important that student get trained to enable them succeed in the examination. It tests if you are capable enough to undertake higher studies. You may think that the syllabus of the GMAT test is the same as the one you have studied in school and it does not include any new content. However, it is a mistake to think that you can get a good score by just relying on your performance in school. Although a good academic record forms a strong foundation for the test, you cannot ignore the fact that GMAT test preparation is what actually adds to achieving a better score. With a little amount invested in the GMAT coaching/preparation, you are equipped with confidence, knowledge, practice and training to take the test comfortably.
Call us on 08060581501 to book for your GMAT coaching/preparation and to order for relevant study materials.
At MEC we offer excellent coaching plans for our students, ranging from weekdays and weekend coaching. Our teachers will help simplify the entire exam for you within the shortest possible time so you can do well at the end.
CLICK HERE to download the application form.
All completed forms must be accompanied with a bank payment teller, showing deposit of the appropriate fees (Exam registration, Coaching and Study materials) and should be scanned and emailed to us. Note that only signed forms will be processed.
Call a MEC Counselor on 08060581501 or 08055730374 to ask for our bank account details and the Counselor’s email.

Can MEC Register & Coach Students Who Are Not Residing In Lagos?
The answer is Yes. The only way we can assist you if you are outside Lagos is via Skype video call. After the exam registration by us, we will automatically create a skype ID for you, which will enable you attend all classes online at agreed time between you and your teachers. You will also need to buy our study materials/textbooks + CDs for easy follow up both during and after each class. When this is in place, you will be glad you ever dealt with us.

Proven Test-Taking Strategies
Our highly trained, dynamic MEC instructors focus on effective test-taking strategies. We thoroughly review all topics covered by the exam. During the course, you will be exposed to a variety of strategies and questions which include:
• In-depth review of all GMAT math concepts
• Critical reading of verbal reasoning passage
• Effective diagramming techniques
• Practical math problem solving strategies
• Drawing proper inferences and deductions
• Synthesizing concepts and ideas
• Learning to recognize wrong answer types among GMAT questions
• Writing clear and concise GMAT essays using effective structure
• Working strategically under strict timing conditions
• Developing an effective personal GMAT study schedule
Our well-designed course curriculum is dynamic, interactive, and taught by experienced instructors who provide continuity in the learning process as you advance from one skill set to the next.

In order to expose you to the latest test format, questions from recent GMAT tests will be taken up in class. Our materials are constantly updated to reflect the most recent changes in the exam. Thus, you will be able to evaluate your own strengths and weaknesses (whether in the math, verbal, integrated reasoning, or essay sections of the test) and focus on those areas and questions where you need the most practice. We stand firmly behind our total immersion approach to test preparation.

Convenient Weekend Study Schedule
Our comprehensive weekend course lets you concentrate in an atmosphere free from distractions and interruptions.

Limited Class Size
In order to ensure a low student-to-instructor ratio, our GMAT courses have a limited enrolment with spaces allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. The small class size provides a comfortable setting with ample opportunity for interaction with our talented and experienced GMAT course instructors.

On The Test Day
What Can I Take into The Exam Room With Me?
Nothing at all! You will not be allowed to take any items into the exam room with you, including pens, paper or bottled water. You will be given a small locker outside the testing room in which you can store your personal belongings.

Will I Be Given Anything to Write on During The Exam?
You will be given 5 dry wipe note boards to write on at the start of the test, and you can request more during the test. These must be given back to the administrator at the end of the test. You will not be allowed to take any of your own writing materials into the testing room.

Can I Use a Calculator on The GMAT?
No, the use of calculators is not allowed on the GMAT.

Can I Cancel My GMAT Score If I Feel I Have Done Badly?
If you feel you have not done well on the GMAT, you may cancel your score, BUT you can only do this immediately after completing the test and BEFORE you see your scores. After your scores are displayed to you at the end of the test, you may not cancel them.

GMAT Scores
What Is The Average GMAT Score?
The overall GMAT score ranges from 200 to 800. The average GMAT score among test-takers worldwide is 540. Two-thirds of test takers score between 400 and 600.

Do Business Schools Have a Minimum GMAT Score Requirement?
Most schools will not set a minimum requirement for GMAT scores, although most will publish the average GMAT score of their students. This information is usually readily available on schools’ websites, so do your research and find out the average scores for the schools you want to apply to, and then aim for a minimum of that score.

What Is a Good GMAT Score?
A “good” GMAT score is only relative to the MBA program to which you are applying! You will need to do some research on the schools to which you want to send your scores and set yourself realistic goals based on the average scores accepted by those programs. Top tier schools will usually be looking for a score in the 90th percentile or above (e.g. Wharton Business School has an average GMAT score of 713; Harvard Business School 708; Inseam Business School 702; and London Business School 680).

How Do Business Schools Use My GMAT Score?
GMAT scores provide admissions teams with a standardized and consistent measure for all applicants, and so will use GMAT scores as a filter for the applications they receive. You may have great essays, but if you do not have a good GMAT score, your application will not be looked on as favourably as that of a candidate who has great essays AND a good GMAT score. It is one part of your application, but it’s a vital part.

How Long Are GMAT Scores Valid?
GMAT scores are valid for 5 years. Every time you take the test and send your score to a school, the school will be able to see every GMAT score you have attained in the previous 5 years.

Retaking the Test
How Many Times Can I Take The GMAT? You can retake the GMAT up to 5 times in any 12-month period, but no more than once in any 31-day period. You can request to GMAC in writing if you want to take it more than that, but applications are only considered after you have actually taken the 5th test. You must have good reason to make the request or it will not be considered. Also, if you score an 800 on the exam, you will not be allowed to retake the test for another 5 years!

If I Take The Test More Than Once, Will Business Schools See All My Scores?
Yes they will. Your score report will list all of the scores from every time you have taken the GMAT in the last 5 years. Your scores are valid for 5 years.

The GMAT is a computerized test which is available year-round at testing centres globally except all public holidays. Closing Date for registration is usually ONE weeks before the examination date. For GMAT Test Dates and Centres In Nigeria, Call or whatsapp us on 08060581501 to check for date availability.

To see answers to some of our Frequently Asked Question at MEC regarding GMAT registration and coaching, kindly visit GMAT FAQs page

GMAT Scoring Table
Three factors determine your score:
The percentage of questions you answer correctly
The level of difficulty of the questions you answer.
The total number of questions you answer.
The Quant and Verbal sections determine your GMAT Score out of 800.
The median test score (i.e. 50th percentile) is around 550. The 90th percentile is a 700.
The Quant Section Score ranges from 0-60. The Verbal Section Score ranges from 0-60 as well.
The AWA is scored differently and does not contribute toward your score out of 800.


Do you need more information about other exams?

You can get detailed information regarding other foreign exams, their available exam dates and centres in Nigeria, by Calling 08177619660, 08055730374 or
Whatsapp 08060581501.
You can also visit the various exam pages on our website by clicking any of the exam icons below: