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Technology is a broad terminology that encompasses so many areas. Basically there are two major fields:  the software program and the hardware program. IT deals with the use of technology for daily routine and today it is used in every relevant company.

The need for getting computer training varies for everyone as there are so many skills and training to obtain. It is imperative for everyone in this digital age to have basic technology knowledge.

No matter the course you study, the use of computer will definitely be required; getting this basic knowledge is a must for you because you may never be taught at this level in a formal school.

Most definitely; this skill will help you fetch money directly in the sense that it is valid for any sector whether you’re self employed or at work. Directly or indirectly it will lay a foundation for learning other advanced computerized skills.

MEC computer training institute offers various basic introductory courses in Information Technology. The timings are flexible in order to be convenient for anybody either for beginners and intermediate learners; you may need to brush up on some areas and we are available for you.

In Nigeria & globally, the IT industry is the trend. If you judiciously learn our practical courses at MEC, be rest assured you will get jobs where the skills are related because they are in high demand.

MEC teaches Basic courses and gives an explicit explanation to each area; however, to know more about the costing for our program, Call 08177619660 or 08055730374 or Whatsapp 08060581501 to get more information.

No. We do not entertain people coming with friends to enjoy services not paid for. Our policy is that if you are coming with a friend, they will have to pay to enjoy same services.

The Computer training program holds only in our Lagos – Festac Branch.

Class time is flexible. We allow students decide on when it’s convenient for them to take the classes and our teachers will always be available to attend to them.