Paying SEVIS Fee With Peace of Mind


We assist in making SEVIS fee payment with ease. You can take advantage of our flexible payment options depending on the urgency of your payment.


Kindly visit our SEVIS FEE PAGE for more details.




Call or Whatsapp 08060581501




Call or Whatsapp 0818 4228159


At MEC E – Learning/Resource Centre, you have an uninterrupted power supply at no extra charges. So you have no worries of any interruption while you are available.

It is charged on Pay as You Go mode. We are quite rational no matter how tight your financial budget may be. So we have hourly, weekly and even monthly charges, depending on your choice. You have no worries about extra charges like for example unavailability due to some more pressing issues. We have made the system workable in such a manner that you do not bear the extra cost on yourself when you are not using it.

Apart from the ambience and serene environment with uninterrupted power supply you enjoy, you have no fear in the area of technology if you are savvy or not. At our Resource Centre, we assign you to an I.T specialist who helps you solve all IT related problems, although this may be at some small extra cost.  Even if you are not so conversant with the use of hardware or you cannot use browsers to access pages, our specialists are available to assist you.  

No restrictions at all.

We have sufficient internet network for you to make unlimited downloads. No website restrictions, all we care about is that you SURF, SURF, SURF and SURF. Meanwhile we forbid surfing on fraudulent sites or for fraudulent purposes.

There are so many computers available, although we encourage users to come with their personal device to avoid disappointment.


Very simple.

Kindly fill up the GET IN TOUCH WITH US form below and you will be contacted by one of our team members within 24 hours to assist you with relevant information that will enable you subscribe to the service. You can also call 08177619660 or whatsapp 08060581501 to get quick help.


Your payment or subscription only covers you. If your friends are interested in using this service, you can advise them to also subscribe. Any unauthorized access to the centre will be questioned.

Certainly yes. We offer a good Referral Bonus scheme for every referral made. Feel free to talk to our Counselors to know the terms and conditions before making referrals.

The E – Learning/Resource Centre is only available at our MEC Festac Office in Lagos.

It is really difficult. But often time people make a visit to Lagos for one thing or another and end up using the service for the period in which they are available. It is that flexible.