Paying SEVIS Fee With Peace of Mind


We assist in making SEVIS fee payment with ease. You can take advantage of our flexible payment options depending on the urgency of your payment.


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Applications for admission are received any time before the deadline dates of the institution of your choice. However, students are advised to make early applications in order to secure a place on their course. It is also very important that you finish all necessary discussion with your sponsor as regards financial sponsorship before submitting your application.
NO if you are self – sponsored, but YES if someone will be sponsoring you. They need to be aware since it is their fund you will need in the later part of the journey.
The cost depends on the course you are going to study, the level of study, country of study and institution. It also depends on your lifestyle especially when it comes to living expenses. You can ask any of our counselors for full information.
There are virtually fewer, but very competitive scholarship slots for international students. In most cases, they are given based on academic merits. We can therefore not be able to guarantee you one for now. However, you can consult the embassy of the country you wish to study for further information on study scholarship opportunities.
MEC have an unlimited coverage for now. We believe we cannot serve everyone according to their desires, but certainly will do everything possible to help students actualize their dream by giving quality value to their money.
It varies from school to school. Each school has its own processing time. In most cases, processing period depends on the time of making application, because applications are treated on first – come, first – served basis. Early applications attract swift response from schools. In any case, we can be looking at a processing time of one (1) to two (2) weeks if all application documents are complete.
You usually would be required to pay your tuition fee (either in full or as part payment). Although most schools in USA and Canada may not require any deposit from you at this stage.
You are the one coming to study abroad and must adhere to the rules and regulations of the institution you wish to study. The immigration is also very much interested in whether or not you are a genuine student by ensuring that you make reasonable deposit off your tuition (especially when demanded by the institution). Although most schools in Europe may not send you any visa document or letter until such deposits are made.
Yes in most cases; but the number of installments depends on the institution concerned. Some institutions offer discounts to students who pays the whole of their tuition fees in advance of enrolment. Please ask your MEC counselor for such details.
You have the option of either paying directly to the institution you wantto study after getting your initial offer letter or through MEC to same institution.However, what you stand to enjoy when these fees are paid through MEC is quick remittance into the institution’s account without any delay. You will also enjoy the opportunity of getting quicker and faster refunds in case of visa refusal.
If you are truly a genuine immigrant or student, and all rules as instructed by MEC have been carefully obeyed, then we can assure you that your visa is almost 100% guaranteed.
It depends on country. The duration varies from one country to another. You can consult us or the embassy of the country you wish to study for such information.
If you are refused a student visa after making some initial tuition deposits, ensure to contact us immediately so we can advice you on what next to do. Generally, tuition fees deposited are refunded in full if students are able to contact the school before the start date of their programs. In some cases, institutions will only make refunds after deducting some administrative charges from the sum deposited. These charges varies from school to school but you can find out from us if need be. No refund is made in case where visa is refused because applicant submitted false documents.
Yes it is very possible. Usually, you will be required to state in writing to MEC your intention(s) for wanting to do so. This should be done not more than one (1) month after the receipt of your admission offer. Please be aware that further application processing fee may be payable if MEC must continue with such processing subsequently.
It may be possible to do so within the university or college in which you are planning to study but we can hardly tell of the possibility if you are changing from one institution to another. However, the change becomes practically impossible if your preferred course is already filled up.
We normally do not charge a separate fee for admission and visa counseling. Our processing fees cover both the admission processing and visa counseling. These fees vary from one country to another, and are usually paid in full before MEC can commence the processing of your admission to ensure we are not dealing with time wasters. We can accept some form of part payment of processing fees in exceptional cases, provided the student or their sponsors are willing to pay the remaining balance immediately they get their offer letters.